“Linked into” an infrastructure

What is the most important prerequisite for modern work? An architecture that enables effective cooperation regardless of distances and that always provides the most cutting-edge working environment thanks to intensive developments.


The network infrastructure provides a framework and establishes opportunities. Not only does it have a great impact on a how a company works, but also what it’s capable of achieving.

Imagine opening a door and entering a building. Does the room have windows or possibly another door? Which way is it oriented? What is the room’s floor space and headroom? Are we in the cellar, or perhaps a corridor or the attic? Can it be used as a dining area or is it more of a walk-in closet?

A good building is appropriate to the purpose it was intended to fulfill, which mainly depends on its design: the decision of whether it will be a workshop or a cathedral is made on the drawing table.
Imagine opening a network drive and starting to work. The IT infrastructure has its own doors, walls, storage rooms and corridors; its design establishes the opportunities and an overall framework.

As to whether work requires a workshop or a cathedral is something everyone can decide for themselves, but design is best left to engineers.
10 facts that must be considered when establishing a new IT infrastructure

Dynamic operation

The dynamic operation of all companies requires some form of IT infrastructure.

System security

The establishment of IT security starts with establishing a system. The highest level of protection can be achieved through an appropriately designed architecture.

Business customization

The capacity, functionality and other parameters of the infrastructure should be tailored to the needs of the business based on efficiency as well as financial considerations.

User rights

The efficient functioning of the infrastructure requires the professional design and continuous monitoring of user authorization.

Engineering expertise

Although anyone can acquire the infrastructural elements necessary for assembling a smaller architecture, the choice of the appropriate technologies requires engineering expertise.

Infrastructure as a Code

DevOps/DevSecOps solutions that ensure the fastest and most efficient introduction of developments can only be established on appropriately prepared IT infrastructures. In order to achieve an even greater degree of dynamism, all the elements of modern architectures can/will be displayed as software code (Infrastructure as a Code).

Special configuration

Manufacturers distribute a number of “ready-made” solutions, yet their installation and integration into existing systems often requires special configurations and developments.

Internet of Things

IoT devices that will become increasingly widespread in the near future can give a huge push to any firm, yet will also pose great challenges to the infrastructure of companies as they must establish the necessary environment for the operation of new technologies.

Cloud parameterization

It’s a common misconception that thanks to cloud service operators, nowadays, a single e-mail is enough to provide our business with a suitable IT infrastructure. Actually, the parameters of cloud services also require fine tuning just as in the case of conventional IT solutions.

Remote work

Modern work – particularly since the experiences of the pandemic – clearly includes the remote access of internal systems and working from home. The IT background required for the operation of a safe home office can be established with the suitable IT infrastructure.

János Marosi

János Marosi

A really efficient IT infrastructure is designed according to the size, activity and unique needs of the company. A customized system provides a productive framework for each workflow.
Vision of the future of infrastructure development

The providers of the current definitive infrastructure-solutions outline the following possible challenges and trends in relation to the post-Covid IT infrastructure:

1. Expanding IT-security solutions for remote work

Due to the pandemic, many companies came to terms with the fact that home office can make work far more flexibly and effectively – yet mass remote work can pose certain security challenges that must be handled.

2. The increasing role of multicloud

An increasing number of companies use multicloud services for the sake of the sustainability of their work processes. The model based on the mixed use of physical, on-site infrastructural elements and public cloud services can help cut costs and boost the flexibility of the entire system.

3. Automation of company functions

Since a number of companies will retain hybrid models of partly remote and party office-based work, users will be less available en masse in a shared physical environment. In order to eliminate the difficulties arising from this situation, amongst other things, it is recommended to automate repeated, administrative tasks, the onboarding process, the acquisition of access rights and the optimization of IT resources based on current loads.

4. Artificial intelligence in infrastructure operation

The operation of the increasingly complex and widespread modern IT infrastructure has an exceptionally great resource demand, therefore monitoring systems based on artificial intelligence solutions will play an ever-greater role in the future.

Shifting gears

Shifting gears

One of the most revealing references of the infrastructure-development competencies of BlackBelt is our existing cooperation with Ericsson. As a company at the forefront of the development of mobile network solutions, Ericsson is a pioneer organization working on the introduction and earliest possible implementation of 5G, the latest mobile technology standard.

At BlackBelt, we’re proud of the fact that we are actively involved in the creation of solutions that enable the safe remote access and operation of the mobile infrastructural elements developed and operated by Ericsson.

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János Marosi

János Marosi

Service Delivery Manager